ORANGE!!! - CBC BlogTag2!

This post is part of the Chennai Bloggers Club's CBC VIBGYOR BLOG TAG 2 where some of us will write a post on the colours of VIBGYOR each day starting 1st of May to the 7th of May, 2020.
The colour theme for today's post is ORANGE.
In case you wondered Wikipedia puts to rest the question, the colour was named after the fruit! Apparently the word saffron predates English as the name of the colour as saffron (spice) was used back in the early ages. The colour was / is used by Christianity, Buddhism and Jainism.

Orange is a colour that is pleasing and it denotes warmth. The saffron band in the Indian Tricolour represents courage and sacrifice.  

In my childhood one of my favourite ads was for an orange coloured drink that personally was cooler than Fanta. After all it was the Zing thing.

I do not recollect many clothes that are from the orange family except for my wedding reception suit, if you had read an earlier post about the Blue colour, you would know that the wedding clothes were blue but the reception was in orange, Fanta orange to be precise because they matched the saree of the better half. Thankfully the suit was never worn again. No! No pictures.

The colour today has taken a communal turn and is a cause of fear to some. Today for those in red zone, orange is a sign of hope. May this colour cease to be one of fear and violence to one of hope and progress.

Images and the video are from Google, they belong to the respective owners


  1. Ah! A chronology of Orange in connection to you!

  2. @Susan: these colour posts were fun with a lot of nostalgia


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