Lock down Learnings #2

Lessons from the lockdown:

Self- awareness: the dictionary meaning of this term is –“conscious knowledge of one's own character and feelings”.

This lockdown has ensured that people have become a better or worse person than before. People have discovered hidden potential, skills, talents, the goodness in them, the humanity in them, the self-sufficiency in them, the contentment in them. Sadly this lockdown has also brought out the animal, the monster, the low life in some who proved that the idle mind is a devil’s workshop.

Work from home has had many spin offs, from spending more time with and for the family despite the work, it also showed that the work at home needs to be given enough priority for the well-being of all. Gender roles are being redefined: wholly, partially or not all depending on where one falls in the range mentioned in the earlier paragraph.

Personally the biggest wake-up call for me is the realization that a lot of my time, energy and money were being spent on non-essentials and not enough time for the really essential things in life. Making do with little, making do with what is on hand, judicious use of resources and sharing what is available made me realize that in the end the essentials will do. Not surprisingly I found that the internet, the mobiles, laptops and the television have crept up the rankings into essential things for home.  These 50 odd days has shown how inhuman the central government must be for having imposed a blockade for a state of our nation without internet and commerce for a very long period.

The lockdown may have taught us self-awareness of how much better or worse we can be from the avatar we used to have in the pre lockdown days. The big choice that is now before us is when things become the new normal; will we continue to be in our new normal?


  1. Our normal was quite similar to what it is now (nearly). Of course we sometimes miss going out otherwise we are usually home-bound people. My husband is quite happy and I sometimes do get a bit claustrophobic. One realisation - I thought that now there would be time to read and watch films but alas! I was proven wrong. Doing all the housework, I am left with no energy for anything else so not much of reading/writing/films but yes I do enjoy the feeling that time is not controlling me.


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