This post is part of the Chennai Bloggers Club's CBC VIBGYOR BLOG TAG 2 where some of us will write a post on the colours of VIBGYOR each day starting 1st of May to the 7th of May, 2020.
The colour theme for today's post is BLUE.

Blue is an interesting colour and I have many stories with Blue. Let me begin with school, for many years I belonged to the Yellow house and I was partial to the colour till I came to higher secondary where I passed out as the Asst House Captain of the Blue House, since then that colour became my default colour of choice.
School was on the Marina and exam times we could see the horizon where the sky and the sea met in vivid shades of blue. I remember when I used to buy aquamarine Blue for letter writing and that kind of was my signature style for some time till I grew out of fountain pens.
School was the time when my music preference was dominated by the King of Pop. The King used contemporary R&B, (Rhythm & Blues) to sweep away millions with his musical magic and I was in that millions. Contemporary R&B made the growing up years magical and many more wonderful artists played a part.

As I grew up the Marina ceded place to the cooler Besant Nagar beach and so many evenings have been spent gazing at the sea which despite the large colour palette was always dominated by a pleasing blue. Musical tastes grew and Blues also became something that I listened to when I was blue. College is a time for feeling blue and I was not an exception. The usual heartbreaks and disagreements, the highs and lows, the meetings and the farewells ensured that college time had enough blues.

Work happened and with it formal work clothes, if you had followed my previous post you would know that my wardrobe is boring blue. It is my default colour, it is a safe colour and only second to white. Since the industry I work in is staid and conformist, blue works well. Of course on weekends I will be usually wearing blue jeans.

My wedding was non-conformist at least as far as the colour sequence went, I had a fascination for blue and silver as the colour scheme and so we got the church decorated in those shades. We took a lot of care to get the vestments in silver for the celebrants instead of the usual gold. The bridal saree was blue and not the usual red or gold. The best men and the brides maids were all in colour. The florist was asked to ensure that the altar was decked up in blue and white only. All went well but on the morning of the wedding due to a truck strike the special blue flowers from Bangalore did not reach and the gallant florist spray painted half of the white flowers blue!!!

I noticed that Social media has a lot of blue. Twitter and Facebook come to mind first and they are regularly used by me. I am not sure if the colours play a part in my usage though.

Life has been colourful all these years and blues have made their entries and exits regularly in the wide spectrum. I know that I can’t be without blue and being a primary colour safe to safe not many others can be too.

This lock down may be blue for many but this too shall pass.


  1. In my school days, I was initially in the Bluebells house, which had the blue colour, and later got shifted to Daffodils house of yellow colour, and I can totallyunderstand that partiality to colours which you mentioned! :D

  2. Indeed, this too shall pass. Wow! Your 'blue' memory is a lovely mosaic of your years and life. I enjoyed reading this one as always :)

  3. @Kaushik: Flower names for houses! Interesting not a boys school was it?

    @Susan: It is a special colour and enjoyed writing it. Could have stretched it but will keep it for another post


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