REST you deserve it

So the other day I was talking to someone who works Sundays. Actually he works all days and on holidays he ensures his team also works as they target potential clients who will not be working. Well as for me I turned down a job offer when the condition was that I work on Sundays. If the Lord rested after six days of work, then it makes sense for mere mortals to follow at least this!!!

Everyone needs to take a break to rest, refresh, rejuvenate and restart the next week. But for some work seems to be the recharge they need and if you have read my earlier post it is a matter of choice and this is a choice. I may never know if it is a wise choice.

What do people have against rest anyway? Can there be anything better than resting a little when possible. Back then the best options were:
  • A good book, a comfortable corner, some munchies if possible and bliss
  • When company was on hand board games worked as well when outdoor games were not feasible
  • A movie alone or with friends
  • Listening to some good music (still remember radio, music tapes and later CDs)
  • Sleep

I am leaving out travel which many prefer because it tires me out and I will need to rest from that rest.

Even now many of these above options work IF we are not tied down to the mobile which takes the role of the book, game (single or multiplayer), music, movie, friends and whatever else.

These days due to various reasons the best option seems to be the last. My Sunday siesta is now a non-negotiable part of my week. A couple of hours of me time, in this case just me and my bed helps me recharge, refresh and in a large way handle the oncoming Monday blues.

So how do you rest? You rest don’t you?


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