Unanswered questions...

The recent debates and activism for and against the death penalty made me think of another aspect of the death penalty that somehow does not figure in the mind space of these activists.

Most of those facing the death penalty seem to be convicted of murder and these days death is being handed out to the “rarest of the rare” cases and it makes you wonder if a killing of another person(s) is an everyday occurrence. And what merits certain murders to be termed thus?

Death is inevitable and everyone is mortal. What is uncertain is the time of death. Working in the life assurance industry I am an evangelist for protection, protection of the financial status of the surviving family of a deceased. Life assurance is simply a step in that endeavour. Few people plan for their death and fewer plan for the social security of their loved ones in their absence. The abysmal insurance penetration of our country is a testament to this.

With this back ground I wonder about the plight of the families of the victims who may be left helpless with the unfortunate demise of the bread winner. Is this justice then a fair retribution & can this put food on the table? Having been taught that one must forgive seventy times seven, death may not be the solution. The question remains what happens to those who are still living a half life because someone has robbed them of their support.

Should not the convicted criminal make good at least the financial loss caused by him / her? Will these activists who fight against the death sentence contribute money to save other lives from hunger? Will the state step in?

I wonder...



  1. The person's life is anyway screwed up either by death penalty or by long term imprisonment. The family has to forget the person as an earning member, I suppose.

    I have no answers.

    Joy always,

  2. @ susan deborah: i am worried about the family of those killed by the convicts

  3. @ susan deborah: i am worried about the family of those killed by the convicts

  4. Anonymous7:05 pm

    Its true that they suffer a lot. But at the same time, by Indian standards, the responsible earning member of the family rarely want to get caught in such circumstances. And when he does, the family as well as the convict have to make up the mind and move forward. Only rarest of the rare cases get death penalty and it is only when all the judges are convinced that there are enough evidence to judge him guilty.

    There is no such thing as earning member in my opinion. But we cannot give assurance to the family because of the person involved committed a blunder in a moment of rage or madness.


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