Shooting woes...

One task that I positively detest is getting shot. 

I guess that didn’t sound right so I will rephrase, I hate getting shot by a camera. Since you may have seen me in some pictures on at least one of the social networking sites you may be scoff a little. I do not mind a photo that is shot casually where I am incidental or maybe a beauty spot. (You know the type that is used to ward away the bad eyes, for further information refer the picture at the start.)

What I find particularly painful is getting photographed for a passport for some document or a visa. I have never been able to sit still and hold a pose that does not resemble a mug shot. (The only concession I make is that I avoid striped clothes). But it seems to be near impossible to hold a pose that is just right, chin up, stiff, erect, staring at the camera, smiling and unblinking despite the flash.

Thanks to the digital cameras, the task has become easier as the camera man takes a few snaps and takes the best of the lot in my case this becomes tough as each of the photos will have an objection for the photographer or D if she happens to tag along. The last set had one decent snap where I closed my eyes, a perfectly acceptable reflex action I would assume to a sudden flash of bright light but not for the disapproving photographer and D.  

The photo that finally passed muster has me looking stoned (keeping the eyes open despite the flash) with an amused look on the face but since it confirmed to the norms of the visa it stayed. 
I wonder, can passport photos be photoshopped?

(All images except one, courtesy Google Images)

P.S. The type of photos I really enjoy posing for...


  1. What exactly are you doing in the last pic?

    I hate getting photographed too. I either become stiff and conscious or I shamelessly pose artificially. I love clicking pictures.

    Joy always,

  2. What exactly are you doing in the last pic?

    I hate getting photographed too. I either become stiff and conscious or I shamelessly pose artificially. I love clicking pictures.

    Joy always,


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