Heard and seen……

Some random incidents that I have heard or seen...

Heard : Woman in nightie, wearing a dupatta, speeding on a two wheeler on Poonamallee High Road today morning. Seen by D and reported to me.
I wonder: A nightie + a dupatta = daytie??

Heard:“Eating out is bad for health and makes you pile on the kilos.”
Seen: I think the first part is right but I have learnt that one sure fire way to loose weight is to eat out more. Inflation is shrinking portions so much that soon you may need a magnifying glass to locate the mini idlis floating in the sambar and yes, mini coffees will be served in table spoons henceforth.

Heard and seen: I had named our dog Melissa, so long ago. She is a bitch. (Remember wise people that a female dog is a bitch and a female whale is a cow) At that time I was a Computer Science student and when we had this pup at home, mum suggested that being the techie guy I should name it something to do with computers. I tried RAMy, ROMy, Floppy (sounded good) but without the Disk and finally settled on Melissa. Why Melissa and what does Melissa have to do with a computer? Those of you who may remember a notorious virus that created havoc on many boot sectors will recall that the virus was called Melissa. However our Melissa is incapable of any malice and damage and a visit to our house will confirm it to you. But the story does not end there, we usually call her Lisa nowadays after our long time neighbour once asked us, “Yenga Melissunu koopidereenga, ithu rombo gunda irrukku?” translating to “Why do you call it lean when it is plump?”

Seen: The road that runs alongside the beach and is parallel to Santhome High Road is probably one of the messiest and foulest smelling roads in Chennai. But it has it own charm to the many love struck couples who throng the place. I have heard love is blind, but it now emerges that lovers are oblivious to stench and dirt. After dark you will find so many unattended bikes parked randomly on the road and no owners in eyesight. Surprisingly when dawn breaks you will not find any sand castles in that place. What else were they possibly doing? I wonder.


  1. mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.. i'm realllllllllllllly rolling on the floor.. kick arseeeeeee...
    wat ya see is not wat ya hear, ryte????

    loved the mellisana joke-- totally rockedme off the chair.. ma take on the first one-->
    a nightie +duppatta= deity! ;)
    like the kuppam kappama deity!! ;)

    n yehhhh, wen it comes to making out, i guess peopel lose their senses, by losing their senses, i mean litereally the sense of smell ;)

    grt one jollyroger!

  2. yaaaay!! first to comment!!

  3. Its hilarious! A very different post, sure will get to go up into the top 25 list!

  4. ha ha..i laughed again for the melissa joke..too funny.. :)

  5. Ha ha haa !! Nightie and a duppatta ??? That sounds crazy !

  6. Melissa is really classic I must say :)

  7. hilarious post! =)

    i had a dog named Tintin, unlike Tintin, he was fat and rolled around everywhere like a tiny sausage.

  8. @ Jane: Thanks for the first comment and thanks again for an absolutely smashing comment

    @ Trinity: My blog has since slipped down to the top 100 again. : (

    @ Lemonade: Keep laughing the world becomes a better place

    @ Purple heart: It is weird and its is now becoming a little commonplace, seen a few go to the market with a nightie and bath towel draped over.

    @ Dhanya: Thank U, true stories are real funny at times

    @ Gayatri: Thank U, post a pic of Tintin if u have 1

  9. Meleeesa!!!!!! Superb one!!!!


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