Don't know what I'm blogging about

Started and almost completed a post on traffic in Chennai and the short supply fuel crisis, but somehow saved it and may never post it. It’s one of those days when you wake up and everything seems like a blur and you are just going through the motions. It’s one of those days when the weight of responsibilities seems to weigh down even more and you wish for a brief respite.

It is a day when I wish I was back to the “wonder years” when my biggest worry would have been a simple school exam. Today I have to take up so many tests daily; passing them is not enough, it is a given; I need to do exceedingly well as in the workplace you are made to believe that you are expendable.

I have to answer so many questions that are thrown at me from every possible direction but the biggest questions are those from within. I do not have answers and am searching for words nowadays. Words that just have meaning are useless and I need words that not only mean what I intend to say but must also have the desired impact of the receiver.

You shall serve the Lord alone… and yet I find myself answerable to so many bosses. I have run out of words and thoughts have clouded over. I need a break.

PS: Web2rank widget alongside is driving me crazy, Quo Vadis is dangling between top 50 to top 100 and back to top 50 every other day. It is changing so often I think it is as confused as I am right now. Am I writing better or worse? Do tell.


  1. Anonymous9:16 pm

    i think we're all feeling like that..some more than others..heck, i don't even have that many responsibilities yet i feel the weight of a certain something on my shoulders, unfortunately unable to pinpoint w\hat it exactly is...

    and the fuel crisis is crazy, can you image the chaotic this city will be...or rather, is becoming..its scary...

  2. you know what your worth is, do the widget has to tell?

    you seem to be like a child scared to go for report day tho...

  3. Why do you have to bother about what a widget has to say? This space is yours and you can write whatever you feel like writing. Also write for yourself and not for others. There will always be readers :)


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