Tagged again!

Rules of this Tag: Pick up the nearest book.Open to page 123.Find the fifth sentence.Post the next three sentences.Tag five people, and acknowledge the person who tagged you.

I have looked everywhere and cant find a book with 123 pages. Just when I was about to jump from my chair screaming Eureka, my uncle grabbed the book and settled down to a literary feast. Frankly I have no clue what book it was or how it happened to be within eyesight but it had at least 600 pages. So I have decided to settle for the first book that is within arms reach and so here goes...

Turning the pages... Page number 32 and Oops the next page is a huge map stuck to the back cover. Sorry Chriz but if you are a procrastinator, I'm the big brother so I will stop with page 12 (my tag mates may proceed to 123 in their books) and the fifth sentence ....

"The last stop before you reach Mamallapuram would be the serene Tiger's cave (52 km) a half finished private theatre built for a Pallava king. (And all these years I thought it was a temple!)

Mangadu (58 km)
The Kamatchi Amman temple is located here.

Melmaruvathur (62 km)
The famous Adiparashakthi temple is located here."

Shalom brethren, In case you are pulling out your hair I happened to pick up Tamilnadu Map Guidebook of Vishnu Maps Publications, 2002 edition.

I Tag:
1) Oxymoron
2) Mr. Poplatho
3) Lemonade
4) Bungi
5) D

Every time I write an acknowledgment in my projects / assignments it invariably runs like this...
I wish to thank XYZ for making my life miserable by asking me to find out useless stuff about annoying people in total unfulfillment of the requirements of the academic degree.(You know the real words)

But since this acknowledgment is about Chriz, all I have to say is "Chriz thanks for the perennial smile on my face every time I visit your blog"


  1. Yaaay! Bungi, that was quik!

  2. One more tag for u. check my blog :)

  3. Anonymous2:42 pm

    haha... and yes thank you....very very much..


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