It's a _ _ _'s life!

Did the cartoon bring a smile to your face? In real life you would shudder. I simply cannot understand the mystery of the exploding bladders of some men who look for the nearest wall, lamp post, bush, tree in short anything that is immobile and promptly piss on it.

I have seen people writing “Only dogs urinate here” in a vain attempt to keep their places piss free, vain because 1) Dogs cannot read generally 2) Those dogs who can read, simply ignore. Melissa (our pet) has better toilet manners than many of the men I see around me and it makes me hang my head in shame each time I see one of these characters.

It is so difficult to find a clean place to park my car nowadays as in a matter of seconds the space behind the car is the newest public convenience of the area. Why cant men hold on till they find a real public convenience nearby or better still reach their home or workplace and relieve themselves hygienically? It’s not such a Herculean task is it?

If there is something that pisses me off (can’t get rid of the piss can we?) is to see clean walls having blotches of red courtesy some mindless morons spitting on them. For heaven’s sake these walls are part of a home or a workplace or even a place of worship, why deface them so mindlessly? It is sad to know that pictures of Gods are now used to protect walls from being defaced. Unfortunately very often these Gods are fighting a lost cause. Another big fear nowadays is to stand beside a parked MTC bus as in a few seconds you will get assaulted by "spit"fires. I remember the comedian Vivek wisecracking in a movie that he became fair because a northie guy (no offense intended)spat pan on him.

I often wonder why all these happen? Watching Melissa I got the answer. Melissa was toilet trained by us when she was a little pup. Pity none of these dogs were brought up the right way.

PS. I have liberally used the term dog though I know that Melissa will take offense. Sorry Melissa, but then you are more than a dog.


  1. Rightly said. I have always wondered why is it so difficult for men to control their bladders.. Hats off to Melissa. You are much better than many so called humans :)

  2. brilliant post!! especially for the people of chennai..seriously..the men think they can just pull their pants down where ever they want!

  3. Anonymous10:25 am

    hahaha. you dog's name is melissa? hehehehehe.. i would make the girl in my choir to read this.. she would go crazy.. her name is MELISSA..

  4. lovely post!!! having seen kolkata, parts of bihar, uttar pradesh and now pune... i tip my imaginary hat to you for writing this...

  5. agreed...i suppose Delhi's a worse city in many ways.

    I saw your sidebar. Best thing--IF. I've had it on my room's wall for the last five years.

  6. You know, they should start fining people..or do what Cyrus Broacha did on MTV Bakra- Catch them on Live TV!! A knock on the head is what I would like to give those unhygenic, silly, social conscience-less fools!


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