Happy New Year!

Happy New Year 2008 Graphics

New Year 2008 Glitter Graphics

Hi all! Best wishes for a happy new year!

Ways to celebrate New Year eve:-

1) Do something absolutely silly like this and spend the new year behind bars (hope those morons don’t get away with this)
2) Blow up a lot of money and party the night away in the innumerable hotels organizing a new year bash, if you get a dip in the pool just accept it as an extra thrown in by the organizers. For a minimum of 3K you and your partner will get unlimited spirits and short eats, the upper limit stretches with your imagination
3) Those looking for spirits of a higher variety (generally free, unless you are Mr. Moneybags where a special ticket will get you a close encounter, or you are a VIP where mere mortals are cast aside for your visit) can join the thousands flocking to the places of worship
4) You could be selling balloons like a cute kid I saw, who was hawking balloons to much older people late in the evening, new year eve means more business
5) You could go around screaming at the top of your voice on foot, bikes or car (if you can afford it ) throwing paper, water, ink, paint and whatever you may find on every unsuspecting individual around, taking special care that the women don’t escape from your “wishes”.
6) You could jump aboard the late night public transport buses bang the sides, scream, sing and generally make a nuisance of yourself
7) You could wait on tables at Marrybrown (they were open till 5 AM) or even better get into the silly costume of a bear / fox whatever and make a fool of yourself trying to entertain the late crowd
8) You could blow up, actually burn up a lot of money by setting the sky ablaze with the latest firecrackers or spoil the sleep of all around by setting off some bombs (not the RDX type!)
9) You could go to the beach, park or any other public space make a general nuisance of yourself (again) completely trash the place and have a blast
10) You could sit in front of the idiot box and watch the same programme in different channels till you can repeat it verbatim even if you are woken up from a slumber
11) You could send forwards of emails or SMS to all in your address book simply because you do not have the brains to write your own
12) You could work on the night shift in your job, maybe a BPO professional, maybe a medico, maybe a cop, maybe …

Did I miss out anything? Do tell me so that I can plan ahead for 2009.

PS: Came upon this and I think this will be my plan for 2009.


  1. oh yes... this is a good idea... don't believe some people would be stupid enough to fall for that!?!

  2. Your cynicism is unparalleled and true to the point of being rib-ticklingly funny! I spent new year experimenting on a dish that had chinese (soya sauce), japanese (teriyaki sauce), thai (nam pla sauce), Indian (garam masala, dhaniya powder, chilli powder) ingredients in it..!!

  3. This one time, I almost spent the 12 o'clock hour in office, but suddenly at 10:30 I decided enough was enough and marched out of the office and went out on the streets and celebrated with the whole crowd... this was in Paris, which is why it was safe to do so, unlike the molestation case that just happened in Bombay..

  4. hey...

    "You could go to the beach, park or any other public space make a general nuisance of yourself (again) completely trash the place and have a blast"

    tat sounds lk a plan... :)

    happy new year

  5. whew! :| you've covered all the negative aspects of a brand new year, but anyway, wish you a verry happy new year and lets pray it is indeed a HAPPY one :)

  6. happy new year to u toooooooo!!!!
    wish i'd read these before new yrs eve! was stuck in a jam for 2 hours...and then headed for a cold farmhouse party....

  7. Anonymous9:51 am

    happy 2008!!

  8. Happy New Year! You have been tagged!

  9. Yea we cld go on doing all those. So what was your YOUR pick ? Happy new year !!

  10. happy 2nd week of the new year! :) sorry i'm late! :P


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