How do you make a marriage work?


How do you make a marriage work? I was asked something close to this recently and it made me think a little, I got my thoughts together and realised though it's not path breaking maybe it can be shared, so let's hit the post.

Well there may be many answers to the above question but the most important word is work. It needs a lot of work and any slack will have its consequences and it needs both the parties of the marriage to work hard and sometimes even harder to make it work.

Few tips to follow along the way:

Acceptance: you married your spouse for who he/ she IS and not who he / she, you want to become. If this acceptance is not there; then it is going to be a very bumpy ride. Remember the spouse IS always the better half.

Giving: giving and taking is business and has no business in marriage. In marriage its all about giving till it hurts without expecting anything in return and when it hurts give some more.

Reconcile: fights in a marriage are expected however it is imperative that the two parties reconcile at the end of the day before they sleep for it is not wise to roll over today’s burden to tomorrow. Tomorrow will have its own set of burdens why roll over from yesterday? If you are at fault reconcile, if you are not at fault, still reconcile.

Exemplary: be role models for your children, they are always watching and red flags before them are to be strictly avoided. They are always watching and they will follow their role models and parents are usually in that list

Emote well: a kiss, a hug, the magic words I love you will never be enough any day, use them often so that the words and actions build strong relations, physical intimacy helps in good amounts so don't ignore it.

Discover everyday something new about the other, the day when you know everything there is to know about the other is a boring day indeed. Discover, celebrate, enjoy and repeat. Life is ahead.

If you have AGREED to the above you will aee that the subtle undercurrent, the thread that holds everything together is LOVE, fall in love everyday, if you are in love then you will make it work.

I wish you a very beautiful life together.

P.S. the pic is a clickbait from Google and fans know the connection. If you didn't get the connection watch the movie.


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