
Showing posts from August, 2023

Madras you have my heart

  I prefer the window seat in flights because I like to watch the sights during the take off and landing each time. Every time I fly into Meenambakkam there is a special feeling that never fails. The feeling of coming home; to a city that has my heart. Madras, how I love you and get exasperated with you in the same moment. I am sure that I am not alone with this feeling and after two decades or so of being Chennai I miss the Madras of old. Change is constant and the city has changed, some of the famous gems of the past have been obliterated completely like the Moore Market while some struggle on in changed or limited avatars like Spencers Plaza and some have transformed into unrecognizable creations like the OMR. When I have visitors on work and if it is a first time I ask them if they have any interests in their free time and when they hear the options that I throw at them they are amazed. From shopping, to food, to cultural experiences, spiritual experiences, nature spots and...

Battle of the movies - Annaathe Vs Jailer

  I watched Jailer yesterday and strangely my mind went back to Annaathe and I found that there are not too many dissimilarities in the two. For starters both are helmed by super star fan boys and who brought their adulation to the silver screen with varying levels of success. Secondly both movies can be clearly separated into two halves and both halves were significantly different. There are also few others I picked up so listing below my score card for the same.   1.       Title Both movies revolve around their titles and Annaathe was easier to understand, a local big man is called such and it is prevalent throughout the movie. In Jailer it comes to the fore only in a small and actually weak flash back. Annaathe – 1 Jailer – 0   2.      Family relationship bond Both movies were built on a family connect. Despite the cringe daughter age sister and the melodrama, the brother sister bonding was the high light of th...