Whats that smell???

You walk into a party and the person next to you smells of Hugo Boss but you like Sauvage, you actually cannot stand Boss, what will you do? Remember you do not know the person well, nor do you have any care for his well-being. It is just that you are sure that your Sauvage is always superior to his Boss. Would you then…

-         Probably go and tell him have you tried Sauvage? Or why don’t you try Sauvage because of its merits?
-          Probably gift him a bottle of Sauvage for an upcoming event so that he can try it for himself and see the benefits?
-     Probably call people together and say everyone smell his Boss and my Sauvage and tell everyone which is better? It better be Sauvage.
-          Probably go and tell him, you will not wear Boss because you think that Boss is not good and more importantly Boss offends you?
-     Probably just grin and bear it
Probably move far away where Boss does not offend you so much because the guy is not worth it? 
Probably go and ask him what made him choose Boss and try it our for yourself?
If you do any of the above and it works for you congratulations, you have superior olfactory and people skills. If none of them work and the other is still using Boss, it is high time to get a life and work on it. Work on YOUR life.

P.S. Read the post again and replace Sauvage and Boss with your preferred food, language, religion, habits. It may still work.
P.P.S I don’t use perfumes I am told that Boss and Sauvage are among the top perfumes for men.


  1. Clement, I read Sauvage as Sausage at first....! :D Also, don't about these two, if you ever decide on getting a perfume, try Issey Miyake for men (or women, for D) - it's my goto for K's birthday presents!

    1. I am allergic to perfumes and so I am not too much into it. Google helped me with these names. My doc has strictly warned me off them as they give me a massive headache.

  2. Ashika, bcoz he is allergic, we don't do mosquito repellents, perfumes and deosprays for the both of us. So I have at least three bottles of perfumes gifted by various people untouched!

    Clement you are sort of losing your touch, i guessed whats coming, maybe the side effects of longtime co habitation🤣


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