Daddy enakku oru doubtu...

You may have seen the popular segment on the comedy channel and there are so many doubts like that in many of our minds too. Here is one that has been there for some time. Any daddy can answer this one…

I know of someone pointing out to the scar on her foot to her friend on the other end of a telephone conversation. I have seen another person pointing out ostensibly to the other person somewhere else again on the phone this time screaming words of abuse; the only problem was it was very confusing to those on the road who happened to find themselves at the end of the pointing finger. I have seen one person gesticulating wildly again while on the phone, the fact that this person was standing on the corner of a busy road in Chennai and was using the hands free earpiece ensured that only if you noticed carefully you could spot the wires.  From a distance it can be worth a few laughs.  I am amazed that people forget in a conversation over the phone the most that can be seen on the other side is supposedly a smile.

Then you have the singers, usually those who sing Indian classical; nowadays you can see a lot of them on TV with the many “reality” talent shows. In these shows you will see apart from the facial contortions the hand movements which can be mildly amusing. I am not sure if these actions are taught or if they are from within. The bigger doubt in my mind is whether they are expected of a singer. Some of these singers look like having a seizure some look like they are asking for alms or a favour and some like they are in a fist fight.

In martial arts you are asked to shout so that you get the extra power in the punch, in tennis you know of the grunters who assault many eardrums as they thump the ball. So do these actions provide the extra lift to the note of the song or expression in a conversation because volume will not be a challenge with the modern mikes and mouthpieces?

If you are interested in body language these can be for very interesting reading. One of the cardinal rules in public speaking is to practice before a mirror and observe oneself. A person on the phone may never see himself but a singer surely will, if not a mirror at least a TV show. 

Daddy enakku oru doubtu…


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