Enga Area Ulla Varathey!

Have you noticed a street dog? The dog will bark when somebody enters into its area. Unwelcome visitors often get a hostile reception and though street dogs are excellent crime deterrents people cite this hostility as a nuisance.

Lions I am informed urinate to mark their territory and it will be someone very unwise to stray into this territory. Animals mark their territory and unwelcome visitors are shunned for various reasons including security.

Man is a social animal and he also marks his territory usually by a compound wall around his house. Nations mark their territories by the boundaries and it is an act of trespass when someone crosses the border without authorization.  Nations spend a lot of money to patrol the borders to ensure that there is no trespassing of the border.

The recent conflict between livelihood and national boundaries has been hijacked by various organizations. Even though maritime boundaries are difficult to ascertain it cannot be an excuse if the line has been crossed.

From a nation where lines of authority are casually flouted, where a yellow line on a road is perceived as ornamentation, where a stop line is considered to be a design to break the monotony of the tar will people really care for invisible lines?

And can we blame the hostility of the guardians in the event of an actual trespass? Don’t we expect the same from our forces?

Till the world becomes borderless this may never end.






  1. Territoriality has always fascinated me. As time goes on, man is becoming more and more conscious of his border and boundary. Long ago, everything was like a big community. Those were the ages before cartography. But now a world without borders exists only online.

    Good topic.

    Joy always,

  2. Territoriality has always fascinated me. As time goes on, man is becoming more and more conscious of his border and boundary. Long ago, everything was like a big community. Those were the ages before cartography. But now a world without borders exists only online.

    Good topic.

    Joy always,

  3. Hey good topic for my other blog. Will post on territoriality soon.


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