Back from a break again

Off late I am constantly finding new excuses for not updating my blog; well here are the latest additions…

- My mum gave away Melisaa when I was not around, not her fault entirely but some people came over willing to adopt, they fell in love with her instantly and took her away. After 8 years it took some time to come to terms with the fact that I will not have Melissa welcoming me home ever again. For a week we were all going around with a lump in our throats, but last heard that Melissa has settled down and is apparently happy in her new home.
- Visited Andhra Pradesh (no Telengana) and was occupied completely with the increasing list of clients to be serviced
- Trinity has completed 4 months and is monopolizing a lot of time at home
- Nathan (my god son and nephew) got baptized and the festivities and social obligations took up a lot of time
- Have purchased 500 each of all available properties in the New Your tier and am getting insane amounts of money so much that I’m contemplating retirement since have upgraded all businesses in Cuba and Russia also. Maybe Bangkok will amuse me, but that passport I got did not work. And yes I am at level 151+
- Am at level 41 and growing forget me not last time I saw. After successfully snaring D into it (she was at 18 when I last checked) my farm is tended even in my absence. Needed another 100000 coins to upgrade to 24 X 24, will do it on my return
- The usual suspects of tardiness and writer’s clock seem to be working in collusion with each other
- Have been a little tired too
- Now in Telengana and the disputed capital and disappointed that it is relatively calm and in the midst of some exhausting interviews
- Just realized that this Sunday is crammed with social visits that though unimportant are necessary.

Just managed to pen a few lines even if they are just excuses. Excuse me.


  1. Hope you are back in form soon.. I just got back from a break...


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