My Daddy strongest!

Heard this anecdote during sermons twice over this extended weekend and thought I will share it with you at Father's day...

There was an aeroplane that hit heavy turbulence during a flight and caused the oxygen masks to come out. As the turbulence increased the passengers grew disturbed and restless,but one little girl was deeply engrossed in a book and seemed oblivious to the goings on around her. Her neighbour asked her if she was not scared at the situation, the little girl replied that her father was the pilot of the plane and she knew that he will take her home safely...

Every day we knowingly hand over our lives to so many unknown people in the auto, taxi, bus, plane, train etc and we do it without a second thought, yet when our life needs piloting we do not have enough faith on the expert and we try to drive ourselves.


  1. Yes my daddy strongest. Think you re kid saying the same thing now :)

  2. Absoluetly !!! Dads are the greatest heros!!


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