
I was robbed last night!!!!!!!! This morning when I woke up at 7.30, I could not find my mobile phone. Actually this phone was a gift from my brother. He had upgraded himself to a superior model from the Sony Ericsson stable; I think it’s a K-750i. So I was using a Sagem My SX 6 2 model phone. Now this phone was carefully selected after much research by my brother and it proved itself. With a nifty camera and tiny MP3 player I finally had my first gizmo phone. I had mused myself with sharing files via Bluetooth and really enjoyed the phone. But disaster struck me last night for the 4th time.

So we start again from the point where I woke up this morning at 7.30 and discovered my phone missing. A frantic search revealed my deepest fears to be true; I had lost my mobile yet again. A thief had opened my bedroom window and after cutting open the Netlon mosquito mesh had somehow managed to sneak away with the phone which was lying 6 feet away from the window at the head of my bed. A visit to the police station followed which resulted in a very courteous sub-inspector visiting my house and taking a written complaint from me. He inspected the house and gave a small talk on safety measures to be taken by us for the future and left with an assurance to contact us in the event of any developments.

I came to work with mixed emotions, gratitude in greater part that the loss was limited to the phone only and sadness at loosing a beautiful and expensive phone and more importantly the contact numbers of 300 people that I will be hard pressed to recover ASAP.

As I mentioned earlier this is the fourth phone lost by me and the 6th in my family overall. A brief story of all my losses follows:
1) Motorola E 350 : My first colour phone, a horrible display and a squeaky ringer not withstanding, this was my first colour phone in the time when all carried B&W. I lost this during a jumble sale when somebody stole it from the cash table where I was counting the money
2) Nokia 3315 : The stable second best seller of Nokia after the rugged 3310. This phone somehow slipped out of my pant pocket when I was riding my bike and got lost somewhere near the Sun Plaza near the Gemini flyover.
3) Nokia : Hmmm I cant remember this model but I know its another economy model. I lost this in a teashop outside Munnar. I had inadvertently left it on the table in the teashop and when I went back it disappeared along with the waiter who served us.
4) SAGEM My SX – 6 i: Don’t tell me you forgot the story above already?

In between the above mentioned my folks have misplaced one Samsung CDMA and yet another Nokia low-end between them. One simply misplaced and the other pick pocketed on the bus.

So finally let me come back to the reason for this post, if you read this, please send me your contact numbers ASAP!!!!!!
I have a limited memory and I’m really picking my brains to build my contact list so please help.

PS: The heading reads SOS in Morse code, in case u havent figured it out.


  1. clement u can add my nokia 1100 to ur list ... but i have a miracle story for u .. my mom missed her moto in a taxi in cbe but nobody noticed it after several hours she realised it was lost i simply guessed it was in the taxi but all disapproved my idea of takin the taxi hunt but thanks to my mama we went to the railway station and lo we found the same taxi and guess wat the moto was quitely sitting below the driver seat praise the lord the moto was in silent mode and nobody noticed it otherwise u know wat could have happ i was really very happy and thanked the lord for his mercy

  2. cho sad anywayz we will soon get a new mobile but make sure its hung around your neck like the thali.... :P jus' kidding

    it just had to go not meant for you... God knows what is best for you... but the scariest thing is that you were peacefully sleeping while there was an intruder!!!
    Praise God he didnt do anything to you.


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