Of fatherhood, more fatherhood, ideas and sleeves
The sermon this Sunday was on the Lord’s Prayer and it gave a new definition to the term prayer, prayer is a relationship and that is captured in the first two words of the prayer. It is true the first two words offer universal son-ship and brotherhood, children of one God, makes us all brothers and sisters. On the note of fatherhood Trinity is now giving so many fulfilling moments that make life so wonderful. Her eyes that light up when I enter home, the pure joy when I lift her up, the impish smile when she has done something that she knows is not permitted at her 10 months, when she cuddles in my arms, the baby steps the list goes on. Trinity also has reopened my eyes to the small joys of life; every time I watch her amuse herself with just a piece of paper I wonder why I get bugged when I have nothing around me and retire to the idiot box. We have tried to amuse her with Fischer Price and Funskool but lose to a discarded sock, a piece of paper, a spoon. The entrepreneurship bug ha...